Sunday, February 22, 2009

Student Financial Aid

Financial Aid deadlines are fast approaching. Have you filled out your financial aid forms? If not go here immediately- FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid)

Federal deadlines are June 30th, 2009
But- Many state deadlines are much earlier!

You must fill out a FAFSA form in order to be eligible for Pell grants, Stafford loans, Perkins loans, work-study programs and state aid packages. You can select up to ten schools at a time to receive your application information. When filling out the form don't forget to check the box for work-study. Many schools offer job opportunities through the work-study program such as lab monitors, gallery sitters, clay mixing, studio assistant, the list is endless; but not if you forget to check the work-study box.

The Rhode Island State Grant Program has a March 1 priority deadline. CCRI has a priority date of May 1. You can find lots of information online from the CCRI Office of Financial Aid.

Check the Financial Aid office on your projected college's web-site to determine the priority dates for the college/s you are hoping to attend.

Here is a recent article in the NY Times on FAFSA and student financial aid for college.
The Big Test Before College? The Financial Aid Form


  1. dont lose your pin, i did and had to get a new one....and also remember if you use a hard copy application to check your info when it gets received, they had a few things wrong on mine like telephone number etc ( overall i think it is better to apply online)

  2. so about our fine arts dept< are there work study positions available in the fall of 2009

  3. Yes, there are usually positions open in the Art Department. These include gallery and mac lab monitors, as well as monitors for the photo lab. Check in the Art office at the beginning of the term to see what's available.
